
Feeling the Post-Holiday Blues

9:23 PM

winter 2016 january post holiday blues

Hey everyone!

As the holidays are over and done with now, I'm slowly starting to feel that post-holiday emptiness creep upon me. Just a couple weeks ago there were bright, glittering lights hung up on every street corner. Red was the number one color of choice. Christmas music blared from radios in cars, restaurants, and stores. There was a lot of commotion around holiday shopping and getting the perfect gifts for your close family and friends. Now that it's all over, it just feels sort of empty. As if the world around me is lost without the busy holiday cheeriness continually vibrating amongst us for the past couple months.

I'm not someone who loved the holidays that much to begin with. You see, with holidays comes a lot of stress. Holiday season has been idealized and commercialized to the point where I just don't feel it as much anymore as I did when I was younger. Call me the Grinch, but I'm sure there are some of you out there who get what I mean.

Yet, now that it's over, it's like I'm missing something. I guess you never really notice something until it's gone. The days seem bleaker than usual. I'm just goin through life in the same old, same old routinely fashion. Despite how much of a Grinch I can get, I do miss that holiday vibe.

Not to mention I dread the early months of the year because of Valentine's day. That just sticks the nail in the coffin for me. I'm not someone who likes Valentine's day. So first they took away the holiday stuff, now they replace it with pink hearts, chocolates, and teddy bears? No thank you.

january 2016 new year post holiday blues

January can be such a bleak month. Yeah sure we make our new year's resolutions and its all about self-improvement and fresh starts, but in reality we're all suffering from the post-holiday blues and are trying to find something to fill that hole. Nice try January, too bad you're just December's not-so-cool younger sibling. You're not fooling anyone. I see through your lies. But I applaud you for your efforts.

I can't wait for Easter to arrive. I don't celebrate it, but the decorations are less nausea-inducing and the energy is definitely better than February's annoying V-Day. Sorry I'm coming off as such a hater right now. Not trying to insult anyone who loves Valentine's Day!

That lull after the holidays is just hitting me hard. Though I'm happy with the new year and other stuff, this time of year always feels the most depressing to me. Is it just me? What do you guys think bout January?

How is your year starting off for you so far? How are you feeling now that the holidays are over? 

Comment down below how you feel bout Valentine's Day!

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading!

Til next time,

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  1. before V-day here we celebrate chinese new year first,
    and i think v-day here only a couple who will celebrate that day
    i only thinking v-day is chocolate day, sometime i just buy a chocolate for my self since i dont have a boyfriend lol


    1. Ah well that sounds like something exciting to look forward to! Haha that's a good way to look at it, a day exclusively to buy chocolate for yourself! I don't have a boyfriend either so my money will go solely to buying candy for myself

  2. Ah, I guess we all feel them :( Can't wait for the snow to go away now that there's no more Christmas haha :D


    1. Lucky you got snow! I wish it would snow here in Seattle, though it would make going to class all the more difficult as I already lack motivation after break.
      thanks for stopping by Patricia!

  3. Awe, totally understandable about the holidays. It was a lot better when we were younger. I wasn't in much of the spirit. I'm not someone who loves christmas music and movies but I do enjoy family time and the cooking. Buying gifts can overwhelm me... lol

    Hope you have a wonderful week love.

    Kayla xo // Kayla's Vibration

    1. Family time and cooking is definitely something I enjoy as well. It really helps bring people together and provides a nice activity for everyone. I love making food with others! Yeah, this time of year was definitely better when we were younger.
      thank you for stopping by :) hope you have a great day!

  4. I guess I will feel it, when I come back :-(

    1. Aww hopefully not as bad as I am! I love seeing your photos from your travels. When you get back, just look at them to pretend you are still on holiday :)

  5. Holidays are over,and we come back to ordinary life:job,stress and other one.This year will be a great year...:-)
    Stay strong,stay happy.

    1. Yes, I'm gonna keep an open mind that this will be a great year, as you said :) Ordinary life can be a bit boring though, but I will keep what you said in mind. Thanks for visiting Ale!

  6. hey dear, your blog is amazing) follow4follow?
    kisses from Ukraine :-**

  7. Aww is so true, and to make it worst school starts after holidays and it just feels so wrong or maybe I'm not ready yet :))

    Follow for follow on Instagram, GFC, Bloglovin and Google+? :)
    Capturing Life Memoirs | bloglovin' | Instagram

    1. Agreed! School starting after the holidays are over just basically punctuates the end of a festive fun season. Haha I'm definitely not ready but gotta do what you gotta do right?

  8. I feel so empty too darling! I miss Christmas time so bad!! :(
    I don't really know how the next months will be for me, cause it seems like so many things are going to change in my life and I hope to have the right strange to bear any transformations! ^-^
    Have a lovely week end darling! :*

    1. Less than 12 months to go before it's the holidays again! We can do it :)
      Change is hard, it can be a good thing but it's also difficult to handle. I'm sure you will do well! Have a wonderful week :)

  9. I feel the same! wishing you a great year ahead though!


    1. Thank you :) I wish you a wonderful 2016 as well

  10. Hope you are enjoying post holiday days, i am trying to be back in everyday work routine xoxo


    1. It's hard going back to the same routine I was in before after so many days of it being fun and different. It's a work in progress :P

  11. I LOVE Christmas and all the magical atmosphere <3 I miss all the things you mentioned.. the lights, the music, Christmas movie on television :) all seems beautiful and better.. xxxx


    1. It really does. Even school didn't seem as stressful with Christmas lights and music surrounding us.

  12. I love Christmas and holiday and it's sad because they are ending :( But what can we do...
    I love this picture,and I love how you write!

    new post--> beautyshapas3.blogspot.hr

    1. we can just look forward to christmas happening again in less than 12 months hahaha
      thank you! I'm really glad you like it :)

  13. Aww hun, I can relate to your post completely! January is the worst month of the year for me. It's so cold and dark, and although I'm not crazy about the holiday season myself (like you, I believe that it is a little too commercialized these days), it does feel quite empty and bleak once it's over! But spring will be here soon, I can't wait for it myself! x x Hope you're having a lovely weekend, hun. x


    1. Yes once spring comes around, I think it will be better. January is definitely a huge downer to me. I can't wait for the sun to shine again and for the weather to warm up. It's weird how we don't realize how much we actually find pleasure in the holiday season even though we aren't super crazy bout it when it is occuring, isn't it?
      hope you have a wonderful week too Kay!

  14. nice post, nice picture!

  15. I understand you, I'm feeling a bit like you now and taking into account we are not very festive, it's a bit depressing. I hope you get better soon!

    Walking Freckle

    1. Thank you, it's nice to hear that you feel similarly, that i'm not alone with this! Hopefully we both will get past these post holiday blues soon :)

  16. There is always that anti-climax after the holidays. In my supermarket I actually have seen a lot of Easter stock and nothing to do with Valentines aha xx


    1. Really? Easter stuff already? Wow, that's very early haha all around me are valentine's day decorations and gifts.

  17. i'm not a holiday person too, and V day
    umm, not hating it but i haven't been impressed by anyone on that day *pokerface*
    well, hope you make this year amazing :)



    1. Hahaha! Yeah, it's gonna be annoying until Feb 14th passes. Hope you have a wonderful 2016 as well :) thank you for visiting!

  18. I really love you :) Happy New Year!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)


  19. Such a great post dear!

  20. I agree with you, this time of year can be really daunting sometimes! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! x


    1. Nice to hear I've got company in this :) thanks for reading! I hope you have a great week

  21. Very nice pictures!

    Have a nice week end!
    Photographer Gil Zetbase

  22. I love christmas in all the excitement but I also love the fresh starts and enthusiasm for positive change that comes with january so I'm very happy for the new year and am enjoying focusing on making myself happier :) I think what helps me is a sat down and found a thing in each month that I like, so non of them really make me sad, and if there's not a cool event then I make one like I'll plan a holiday or a picnic or just something to look forward to :) I personally love valentine day because It just cheers me up to see so many people happy and in love

    Lots of love, Marianne xxx


    1. That's a good way to look at it Marianne! I really admire your optimism and the methods you take to find happiness in life. I really should try that, finding something in each month to look forward to. Thanks for your advice :)

  23. I'm actually already following you :) but thank you

  24. Sounds great! I just followed you :)

  25. wonderful post and blog darling! write fantastic, very nice to read come not understand everything because I have to explain this :) I love every Christmas, I am a person who likes to celebrate and have a good time with your loved ones Valentine's Day :) people can not wait! I have plenty of ideas for a gift for my boyfriend but I do not know what he ladies :)
    kisses from Poland :*

    1. Thank you! Glad you liked my post :)
      For me, Valentine's Day isn't much, it's just any old day for me. Ideally I would love to spend time with loved ones and celebrate in some way, even if it were just having dinner with friends, but V-Day usually falls on a day that doesn't work for me.
      There's still plenty of time before Valentine's Day is here, so I'm sure you will find the perfect gift by then.
      Thanks for reading!

  26. Yeah I feel that way too, holiday blues keep creeping in. But valentines still a long way to go.

    Caleruega ~ Styleccentric Fashion' | BLOGLOVIN | Instagram

    xo, Alyssa

    1. That's what I keep thinking, which is why seeing V-Day decorations all around is so surprising haha

  27. I feel the exact way. I went into my local drug store and boom I was hit with pink and red valentines day goodies. im like wait a minute the first week of 2016 hasn't even passed yet and this is popping in stores already. not a fan either. the holiday weight gain has creeped up so I do need to hit the gym. lol. its so bad. the cold weather also sucks, so easter and spring is something I want like now. lol.



    1. I'm waiting for after valentine's day though, when all the chocolate gets discounted and goes to the clearance area hahaha though I too need to start eating healthier and work out more again. I sort of relaxed a bit on my workout routine during the holidays, not going as frequently as I usually do, but I gotta start that up again too.
      Easter and spring is what I'm looking forward to as well!
      Thanks for visiting, Geri! Hope you have a great day

  28. Oh my goodness such an amazing photograph! :) Loved your blog post and your inspirational photos hun! <3




    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like it and find it inspirational :)

  29. Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year so I'm always sad that it's gone. I think it's a little easier for me though as it is summer here during Christmas so once the festive season is over we still have the rest of the summer holidays to enjoy going to the beach, playing beach sports, eating icecream etc. which maybe makes the blow of Christmas being over a little easier! Love the blog.


    1. That sounds so lovely having the holidays season fall in the summertime. That definitely sounds happier than the dreary rainy winter days that plague january after the holiday season here. Guess I really need some vitamin D huh?
      Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day!


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