
A Watch to Remember: Men’s Style ft. JORD Wood Watches

11:44 PM

Hey everyone!

It’s past Valentine’s Day and it’s nearing spring, which means gone are the times when you would have to bundle up in many layers just to step outside. The sun is started to peep out more, and provide us all with longer days. That being said, with less heavy layers, the accessories you choose actually get to have some time in the spotlight, rather than hiding behind those thick knit sweaters you don to survive the cold of winter. Which puts more attention on the accessories you do choose to wear. You finally get to show off that new necklace you got over the holidays, instead of covering it up with a scarf. That new watch you recently bought? You can flaunt it to your delight. You excited?

Before I go on any further, I shall proceed to apologize for my lack of posts for the entire month of February. I’ve been very swamped with school projects, exams, and so on and so forth and what have you. It’s definitely been a crazy quarter. I always feel like winter quarter passes by the fastest, and has the most going on for me. Perhaps it has to do with the winter time, and I’m just overall more sluggish. Maybe I’m the problem as to why I’m less productive? No. Never. It’s not me, it’s school.

Point is, I apologize, and I am definitely trying my best to up the number of posts I am doing. I am also trying to be more interactive on Instagram too. So that I’m not completely off the grid. Huge thanks to you all for your patience!

Anyways, today I have something new and different to share with you all! I am partnering with JORD watches to share with my lovely readers one of their featured wood watches. JORD watches have really become a huge part of the fashion world as of late. These unique watches are made of wood, and have a rustic, laid-back feel without sacrificing class or style. It’s definitely different than your typical watch that consists of silver links and a shiny face. I am really loving the many styles they have to offer.

The one I am featuring today is their men’s style olive and acacia watch. It is a men's watch, yet JORD also has a selection of women's watches to choose from as well. As it is a men’s watch, I was able to get one of my good guy friends, Justin, to be in my blog. I can’t exactly style this watch myself, now can II? I mean, technically I could because I can probably pull off menswear. But, as it is a men’s watch, I definitely should be demonstrating how it can be styled as so.I typically do style posts that revolve around women’s fashion, as I am a female after all. But I do occasionally do some men’s styling. Just to switch things up every once in awhile. It’s also a great challenge for me, as styling for men is almost uncharted territory for me, and does require more planning and creativity.

Except, here I didn’t plan out the outfit. So I can’t take the credit. My friend has fairly good taste in clothes. I can’t say great or else if he reads this, it might go to his head. I shall say good. And you all can be the judge.

JORD Olive and Acacia watch

I received the olive and acacia watch from JORD a short while ago, and I was most definitely pleased with the lovely quality. It’s really well made, as it looks durable yet maintains a sense of elegance. It came in a wooden box, with a small polishing cloth as well. The box itself just made it look so gorgeous. JORD definitely did a wonderful job in their packaging.

When styling watches, it’s important to consider what colors you are wearing with it, as you would with any other accessory. Most people neglect the importance of watches, for we typically view them as time-telling device rather than a statement-making accessory. I personally adore wearing watches because they are useful, yet can really dress up an outfit without looking too cluttered or messy.

Here, this watch has a light brown wooden color, due to the material it is made of. There are no striking colors to it, which definitely makes it easier to style. The neutral brown can go well with almost anything, making it all the more versatile.

Here, Justin chose to complement the colors of the watch into the rest of his outfit. He chose to wear a tan sweatshirt with little to no design on it, which accentuates the subtle range of colors naturally present in the wood. The simplicity of the tan sweatshirt against black jeans really highlights the watch as a focal point. However, his brightly patterned shoes do catch the eye as well. He chose to wear brown and orange patterned shoes to further this color palette. Rather than wearing a monochrome outfit, the slight variation of color and pattern goes with the overall theme while adding some visual interest here and there to break it up.

I especially like the shoes he wore because of the unique pattern. That slight hint of color really brightens up the otherwise neutral outfit.

Styling the watch with a graphic tee and brightly patterned shoes definitely highlighted the casual element of the watch. This watch can easily be dressed up with perhaps a button down or sweater. Yet, it doesn’t look out of place in this otherwise relaxed look.

Being the photographer for these style photos was a different experience for me. I am usually the one in the photos, so being the one behind the camera and taking control of the angles was a fun experience. I do enjoy photography, but it’s different when working with someone else as the model. Luckily, he seems to work with the camera fairly well.

JORD Olive and Acacia Men's Style watch
What I love most about this watch is the open hardware design at the back. My friend and I were quite confused as to what it was. It almost looked like a compass of some sort. Either way, it definitely has an interesting, unique design.

I am really impressed with the quality of the watch. It's definitely a unique watch to wear and style than your typical watch, as it is made of wood. We were able to get it sized to fit his wrist. It did come slightly bigger, but perhaps we also didn’t measure it tight enough. It came with an extra link to enlarge if necessary. The watch doesn’t feel too heavy or bulky. It is the perfect everyday watch.

Regardless of the time of year, you always will find a need to shop. Whether it be for yourself, or for someone else. This JORD watch would make the perfect gift for a close friend or family member. Watches are not only useful, but also a great accessory to have for any occasion. Watches can complement any minimalist style, as they are complete in itself. But, you can also add some other bracelets as well if that’s more up your alley. There are numerous ways to style them, and they can make great everyday accessories.

I definitely recommend JORD watches if you are on the lookout for a great quality watch. Perhaps you want to try out this men’s style watch yourself, or you have a guy in your life you want to gift this to. Either way, you know this watch is calling your name. JORD also has other styles to select from as well. They have a huge selection of men's watches, as well as women's watches.

Huge thanks to JORD for sending me this watch. It is absolutely gorgeous, and  I am definitely not disappointed at all. I recommend checking out their site to see more of the olive and acacia watch I styled here, or to ogle the other ones they have to offer as well. I know I personally do that sometimes when I am feeling that shopping mood. JORD watches has great unique watches and cool watches to choose from. I've lately been having an obsession with watches, so this came at the right time for me. I used to wear watches more frequently. But when some of them ran out of battery, I never got them replaced and I stopped. Now, I picked up that trend again, and I can't imagine why I ever stopped.

BEFORE YOU GO!! I have a GIVEAWAY to share with you all!!

Enter the contest and you will be eligible to win a $100 e gift code!! However, if you enter at all, even if you do not win you can receive a $25 e gift code. You have until 11:59pm on March 5th to enter this contest!! Once the contest is over, a winner will automatically be selected and you will be emailed the coupon code! However, the code will expire on April 30th. So do not wait too long to redeem it!

IMPORTANT NOTE: it is NOT a FREE watch, but a $100 e gift code! This is super beneficial, as great quality watches can be on the pricier side. However, these watches, for their quality and style are worth it. With the coupon code, you will definitely be further enticed.

Click here to enter the contest! 

Don't forget to enter the contest! It never hurts to just try it out, you never know if your luck will pick up. It is a short time to enter, but there's still plenty of time to enter!

What did you think of this watch and how it was styled? Have you heard of JORD watches? How would you style this watch? Lemme know down in the comments below!! I would love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for stopping by and reading! I hope you all enjoyed this post, and I wish you all a lovely week.

Til next time,

Watch Gift Ideas

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  1. Great gift to spoil your man, love this watch, so unique xox


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  2. I love Jord watches, so unique! I think it would be the perfect gift for your man!

  3. How stunning is that watch, a great gift indeed!


  4. great post! you want to follow each other on gfc?
    Let me know on my blog :))
    XX, Rahel - www.justrahel.blogspot.com

  5. Love how he styled it! And omg you can see through the watch's movement! So beautiful <3 Enjoy your weekend, dear :*


  6. Your bf Jord's watch looks so nice!

    Aly In Wanderland | <3 | New Post

  7. This is such an interesting style of watch and I have never come across one that is made of wood like this. It would make a great gift for someone as it is something a bit different :) x

  8. You don;t have to apologize dear we all get busy with other life priorities sometimes. I hope things are going well with you and with uni.
    I have seen these watches before, I really like the concept. They are really original and cool. :)
    Have a great week ahead Andrea :)
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

  9. I hope your school projects and exams have been going well :) Your friend is modelling this watch so well and it totally looks suited to his style, going by his clothes! I agree JORD watches are really well made. Have a lovely week ahead babe!


  10. Your friend certainly has style! I love the details in this watch, especially in the face. Such a cool pieces for dudes


  11. Amazing look dear!!
    Mónica Sors

  12. Love this watch!! So unique <3

    X Merel

  13. That watch looks so cool and original! Great choice!

  14. Is Justin ur boyfriend? I giggled a bit through this post because it reminds me of my fiancé and how he gets into the photoshoots when we do some for my blog. Lol he thinks hes some top model or something :-D trust me. Loved the photos and the watch is very unique! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Dominica from London, www.its-dominica.blogspot.co.uk xXx

  15. I too am just so excited for spring! I just can't stand winter over here in the UK, it's cold and miserable! Spring is lovely though, and the temperatures are finally getting a little higher. :) Also, this watch is so beautiful! I love how watches have been making a comeback lately, I think they make for a lovely fashion accessory. I have heard of this brand before, I've seen a few of their pieces around in the blogosphere and they look so classic and gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. xoxo


  16. Such a cool watch- it looks great!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  17. I've definitely seen this brand around - whenever I see a wooden watch I'm like, I know who that's from! I don't think I've seen wooden watches anywhere else. Although Justin did a good job of styling it, I think it would have been really cool to see how you would have styled the same watch as well! Either way, it was a great post and good luck with school!

    Sam | My Beauty Cloud

  18. Your friend has good taste in clothes! His laidback and boy-next-door style make him look neat and fresh which is always nice to look at for boys. :) And yes, I definitely agree that you CAN style that watch! It would be interesting to see your take on a men's watch considering that you are female. Like, how would a girl wear something that is for boys? :)

    The Pink Lemonade Girl

  19. I find JORD watches so sleek and fashionable! They would look great on my hubby.

    Lisa Favre

  20. Wood finish on watches are so on trend right now! <3

    Angelie // EJC Japanese Restaurant and Sushi Bar

  21. How great are these watches? They always receive compliments. Love your photos!


  22. These watches are lovely! I love the exposed mechanical elements, my partner would definitely love it so thanks for introducing the brand to me!

    Farah x

  23. Great style! Love the watch




  24. I've already seen this photos on your Instagram :) I really love the watch! It's so stylish! xx


  25. This is such a lovely article! I don't think I could pull it off myself, but it looks amazing. You will like to see more fashion from here.

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