
OOTD in Black Red and Leopard: Banggood Review

10:59 PM

Banggood Review aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany

Hey everyone!

What do you know! March is already half over. This is crazy. I swear, this past year has been flying by faster than ever. I just finished my finals for winter quarter at school! I can still remember when I just started. I was so worried about the classes I had chosen. After just a few short months, I feel like I had really bonded with people in my classes, and I was really enjoying them. Now, I have to start over again with new classes and new people. On the bright side, summer is getting closer and closer. Spring is starting to creep up on us, and I can see hints of it. It hailed the other day, and apparently that is a sign that spring is here.

I finally found a day where it wasn't stormy to take some pictures of the things I received from Banggood. It literally has been storming so bad the past week, I couldn't venture outside without being attacked by the wind and rain. But the weather has lightened up, and I was able to seize the opportunity to do a review of the stuff I got.

When I did my first wishlist for Banggood back in January, I chose a few pieces I liked the most to get. I got the dress and the ring from my wishlist, and I added in a leopard print scarf in the spur of the moment when I was choosing things. I wasn't really sure how they would all look together as one outfit, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

Banggood black dress aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany

Banggood black dress OOTD aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany
Black Dress from Banggood
I must confess something. I am terribly old-fashioned. I'm not the biggest fan of online shopping. In fact, I'm pretty skeptical of it. However, I was pleasantly surprised with what I got from Banggood

It was a long wait for everything to finally arrive, but that was expected because it was shipping all the way from China. Everything I received was of pretty nice quality for the price. They all arrived without any issues. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with it! 

Banggood review black dress aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany

OOTD Banggood review black dress aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany

What I do have to say about this is that the dress turned out to be too big. It was too loose around the shoulders, waist, and hips. However, I do like the length, the fabric, and the design. It was just like the photos. Sizing was the only issue I encountered. But, I can get it fixed, or tailor it myself. So that problem isn't too bad. 

OOTD Inspo Banggood review black dress aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany

leopard print scarf Banggood review aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany
Scarf from Banggood
Banggood review leaf ring aglimpseofglam Andrea Tiffany
Ring from Banggood
I ended up really liking the scarf. I am a fan of leopard print, as you guys already know. Plus, the color is so pretty and different from the ones I already own. I think it went well with the dress. 

The ring I got was also a bit too loose. But it fits my thumb fairly well, so I consider it a win. I made it work, and that's what counts right? 

Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam Banggood Review

Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam Dutch braid hairstyle

This hairstyle is literally my go-to hairstyle. I wear it for a lot of occasions. Having the front Dutch-braided, then pulled back into a low ponytail with lots of texture and volume is very versatile. 

Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam Banggood Review OOTD

The black boots are the same ones I wore from before. I chose to pair them with this look because I felt like it was simple and didn't draw too much attention away from the rest of the outfit. Also, they lengthened my legs, and I like to wear heels when I wear dresses. I'm on the short side, so I love wearing heels! 

Overall, I like the stuff I got from Banggood. Perhaps I maybe warming up to the idea of online shopping? I tend to be a very old-fashioned kind of person. I like in-person interactions a lot more. I can't stand a lot of the music that's popular nowadays. I love looking back to past fashion trends, and other retro things. I sometimes wonder if I was born in the wrong period. Anybody else feel that way too? 

Anyways, with the quarter over, I finally have a week off to relax. I'm looking forward to planning out some blogposts I've been meaning to do for a long time. So keep an eye out! I also really am excited to just plant my butt on my couch, and catch up on the latest episodes of How to Get Away With Murder. After being out all the time, I really want to spend some time at home. It's been a fun, but exhausting quarter. I'm actually sort of nervous for next quarter though. I have piled on even more things on my plate. We will see how this goes! 

Check out Banggood for some awesome products like the ones I got!

What do you guys think? How do you think the black dress is working for me? Lemme know in the comments below if you are a dress or pants kind of person! 

As always, thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it, and I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Til next time,

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  1. This look is so chic yet easy to match with other pieces of clothes from the closet!
    Love your ring, too :) It's so beautiful!

    KayleeㅣJK's Dawn

    1. Thanks girl! I was hoping it would go well with other things from my wardrobe. Hopefully we are both right!

  2. Cool look & awesome hairdo!

  3. Really love the look,and it is nice you added colourful scarf to pop out a all black outfit..love it xoxox


  4. Great outfit, Andrea. I love that dress - super unique and that scarf definitely adds a nice touch. You always have the prettiest hairstyle - I love it! Good luck with your finals - I'm sure you did great and I hope your spring semester is off to a good start!

    Jasmine | The Sixth Disney Princess

    1. Thanks Jasmine! I try to do a little something to my hair when I can :) I'm really glad you like it. Have a wonderful day!

  5. Congrats on finishing finals, dear and what about this dress, sorry to hear that it's too big for you, but I agree with you that the material is great and it looks the same as on the photos :)


    1. Thank you! And yeah, though it is too big, I'm gonna try a find a way to make it work though. At least it was a sizing issue, and the quality is still good.

  6. Aww Cutie..ont worry..I m sure you'll get fantastic friends in your new class :)
    I loved your scarf..I am planning of shopping from banggood too :)


    1. Thank you! Yes definitely go to Banggood. I was pleasantly surprised by the many things they had that I really like.
      Hopefully you are right :) I hope this quarter is good

  7. I adore the scarf! It brings just the perfect pop of color!


  8. Loving this look!

  9. You look very cute hun!
    loooooove your hairdo!!!! :D

  10. Hurry up and join my Firmoo giveaway dear. It ends tomorrow!


    Sylvi Says Hello

  11. You look very chic. I love your scarf and your ring. I am your new follower on Bloglovin. Would you like to follow me as well :)

    1. Thank you! I'm happy to hear you like it :) And thanks for following me. I will definitely check out your blog!

  12. You're right, summer is creeping up on us and so hopefully soon you won't have so much stormy weather to contend with! I love the ring worn on your thumb by the way :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

    1. Well they say april showers brings may flowers.. there may be more stormy weather to deal with. But hope you are right Gabrielle! And thank you :)

  13. You look super chic, I am loving that scarf!

  14. Dear Andrea,
    thank you again for a lovely post you write so well! I think you could easily write a book since it is so comfortable to read your writing :)
    I looove your scarf! Could you give a link from where you bought it? i know the website but if you would post a link that would be so nice of you. The dress you are lucky is big and not too small since you can alter it or have it as a day dress :)
    You look so pretty with your hair done like this - it is for sure a keeper in my opinion :)


    1. Aww thank you Nathaliya! Your lovely comments always make me smile :)
      I linked to the scarf in the caption of the picture. But here's the link too! http://goo.gl/zlZuS2
      I will definitely be altering that dress! I really like the overall look of it and I don't want it to go to waste!
      Thanks for reading :) I hope you are having a wonderful week

    2. Dear Andrea,
      thank you so much for the link! Oh, I totally overlooked that - my apologies :( I am really getting old it feels like when I am overlooking such a modern trivialities :/ :D You are putting such a great effort in your blog and post. It makes me what to bet better as well :)
      I am having a lovely day today and had a wonderful week - thank you. I hope your day is great and the upcoming days will be even better : )

  15. I love your black dress dear, great choice! I think it's perfect for spring and then it's so comfy to wear! It works amazing on you!^-^
    Have a lovely week darling!

    1. Thank you Roberta! You're so sweet :)
      I hope you have a fantastic week too!

  16. Love your scarf. It really makes your outfit stand out. Gemma x

    1. Thank you Gemma! I am such a sucker for leopard print :P

  17. You look fabulous hun. The scarf makes the perfect choice to go along with the black dress and your hairstyle is super cute too. Love!

    Have a great day!

    1. Thank you KaSonndra! Scarves are the way to go to spruce up a black dress as such.
      I hope you have a wonderful day :)

  18. Nice! I click on your collaboration links :)!
    would you like to follow each other via GFC?? let me know and I follow you back :)

    1. Thank you! And that sounds great :) I'll let you know on your blog

  19. Gorgeous outfit! The scarf really add color and a look to the dress.

    Want to follow each other? Comment on my blog if you do.

  20. Definitely more of a pants kind of person but I'm trying to wear more dresses! I love the buttons on this one even though it was a bit big in size. I have that problem too, which is why the only reason why I prefer to shop in person. I really like that ring though - it was the first picture I noticed haha. So glad you found Banggood to be of good quality!

    Sam | http://mybeautycloud.com

    1. I used to be strictly a pants person because I hated having to sit properly in skirts. But I've gotten over that and recently I've been loving dresses. They are so comfortable.
      Yeah, that's a problem I hate having to deal with for online shopping, but at least being too big is an easier fix than being too small!
      Thank you for stopping by Sam! :) Glad you like it

  21. Thank you Diana! and that sounds great, I just followed you :)

  22. Thank you Gil! I hope you have a terrific day too :)


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