
OOTD Inspo and Mini Clothing Haul: Dresslink Review

10:29 PM

Dresslink Review OOTD Inspo Mini Haul Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

Hey everyone!

Today is Oscars night! Are you guys watching it live, or waiting to read up the reviews instead? I usually fall into the latter category because I prefer knowing what happens afterwards, rather than sitting through it all. I just care about the highlights, and not the entire thing. Ain't got the time to sit through it all! Check out my last post on how I would style Colin O'Donoghue if I had the honor of being his stylist!

So this year is a leap year. Did you guys remember that? Because I totally forgot until I was looking at the calendar the other day. So weird how we got an extra day like that. Plus it doesn't really do me much good because it's not like I get the day off or anything. It should be a holiday, and benefit us in some way instead of having to remember there's a random extra day in the month. Wouldn't you agree with me?

Anyways, a while ago, I posted my wishlist of stuff I really liked from Dresslink. And lo and behold, I was lucky and got to get some stuff from their site! I received the three items I wanted from Dresslink, and I wanted to do a review for you guys and share what I think about it. I forgot how exciting it is to receive a package in the mail. Makes me feel like it's my birthday or something. Anyone else feel that way when they get mail? It's just not the same when you open an email or text. Physical mail is way more fun.

While taking photos of the two dresses and the top, I decided to put together an outfit for each to show you how I incorporate them into my existing wardrobe. I wanted to not only share with you guys the clothes I got, but also create some inspiration for how I would style them.

Dresslink gray dress shoulder-cutouts Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam
Gray Dress
The first one is this gray dress with the shoulder cut-outs. Its a body-con sort of dress that hugs your curves. The shoulder cut-outs adds that bit of uniqueness and style to it. I really like how it fits on me, and I was pleasantly surprised that I had chosen the correct size! I thought it would be really difficult to choose the correct size and stuff based on what was listed online, but this ended up as a win! 

Dresslink gray dress Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam
Find the dress here

OOTD Dresslink gray dress with shoulder-cutouts Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

OOTD Inspo Dresslink gray dress with shoulder-cutouts Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

I like how this dress looks on me, and I would definitely wear it. It's something that can easily be thrown on and will make you look good. You can dress it up for something like a date or an important event where you want to look put together. But you can also dress it down and make a more casual look by throwing your hair up into a messy bun. It's very versatile, and you can easily accessorize it. 

Dresslink black crop top Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam
Black Top
The second item I wanted to share was this crop top with shoulder cut-outs as well. Is there a theme going on? ....Don't know. Hahaha

I really like how simple and minimalistic this top is. You can really pair it with any bottoms and it will look good. I was originally going to wear this with a pair of black patterned pants, but I figured these floral pants would photograph better. I love how this looks against the floral pants because they create this great look perfect for spring. The pants are loud with the bright colors and design, but the simple black top with the cut-outs balances it. It's slightly edgy, and very easy to style as well. 

OOTD Inspo Dresslink black crop top Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

Dresslink black crop top shoulder cut outs Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam
Find the top here

OOTD Dresslink black crop top Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

I'm pretty happy with how this top ended up fitting too. The size was good, and I'm really glad this worked out! So far Dresslink has pretty great products! 

Dresslink White Striped Dress Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam
White Striped Dress

The last item I wanted to share is this white striped dress. Okay... so you can tell from the photos how this is the item that didn't end up as well as I hoped. The dress turned out wayyy shorter than expected. It barely covers my derriere. I cannot wear this as a dress because I don't want some incident to happen. So I paired it with black leggings, and it works as a sort of shirt-dress. I chose to add these brown booties because the color complements it. 

OOTD Dresslink White Striped Dress Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

Dresslink Review White Striped Dress Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam

OOTD Dresslink White Striped Dress Andrea Tiffany aglimpseofglam
Find the dress here
It's funny, it fits well on top with the length of the sleeves and the way it hugs my top. But it's too short on me. Maybe if I had ordered a larger size it would have worked? But then I don't know how much of a difference it would have been, if it would have been way looser as well? Either way, I'm okay with how this turned out because I can always get it lengthened. Or I can wear it like this. Or wear it as a shirt, perhaps with a skirt or something? Not entirely sure yet, but this isn't a total lost cause! This is what experimenting is for! Fashion is always about experimenting, and trying out new things to figure out what works best for you.

Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with the stuff I got from Dresslink. I really like the stuff I got, and I can't wait to wear these outfits! I really only threw together these outfits just to experiment with what I can do with these new items in my wardrobe. I haven't actually gone out and about in them yet. Are you the type of person who marks important days by the outfits you wear? Because I am like that. I remember things based on the outfits I wore, and each outfit and each item of clothing carries with it a story. So far these don't have a story to them yet, but hopefully they soon will. Yes, I'm weird. I figured that was already an established fact.

Thank you Dresslink for sending me these items! I really enjoyed throwing together these outfits. Definitely check out their website because they've also got a great sale going on!


Dresslink offers stuff that are only $0.01! I think that's an incredible deal! They also have a bunch of stuff that have free shipping. That's always a plus because shipping is usually the one thing that makes or breaks my decision when shopping. Go give Dresslink a gander and see what peaks your interest!

What are some of your online shopping experiences? How do you sort out the issues you come across? Lemme know in the comments below! I always enjoy reading your opinions!

Thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this, and I wish you all a wonderful week ahead!

Til next time,

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  1. Nice outfits :)

    Maybe you have time to see my New post Tattoo: Tips and more I got inked!!! :D

    Follow me on Google Plus


  2. as always, your clothing speaks well of you and in large volume...

  3. First, I want to say that I do the same thing when it comes to watching big shows like Oscar. I don't watch them live, I read about them afterwards :-) And I thought I'm the only one who does that!
    Love the outfits, white stripped dress looks amazing! ;-)


    1. It's definitely way more fun to read about them afterwards haha love the reviews and recaps, they can be much more interesting!
      Thank you Barbara! I hope you have a great day!

  4. Finally, Leo got the Oscar ♥ Loive your inspo, the Grey Dress with the cut outs is really cool!

    1. Thank you Melina, I really love that one best too :)

  5. You lok lovely!

  6. Nice outfits! Love the shoulder cut-outs trend.

    Camy xx

    1. Thanks Camy! I really like that trend too. It's such a simple way to make a top look interesting.

  7. Andrea! Those outfits look so nice and comfy on you! Great picks! By the way, we chose our favorite Oscars' red carpet look on our blog! Perhaps you can drop us your thought. Happy Monday. xo Anita

    IG/Twitter/FB @siammpatra

    1. Thank you Anita! :) I'm glad you like it
      I will definitely stop by and check it out :)

  8. The post is fantastic! I love it so much:)
    Have a nice day!


  9. I prefer to read up on the highlights like you ! I love the black crop top and I love how you teamed them with the floral trousers :) I also love the stripey dress , I love anything with stripes hehe :)

    lots of love, Marianne xxx


    1. I'm starting to get into stripes too haha I used to not. But lately I've been drawn to that pattern. Thank you Marianne :)

  10. Very nice finds and outfit!
    My fav is the one with floral pants! :)

    1. Thank you! Those actually happen to be my favorite pants too haha

  11. Wonderful post, love it! :)
    I invite you to me, maybe follow for follow? :)


    1. Thank you Veronica! :) And that sounds great

  12. I actually watched the Oscars LIVE. Its a tradition I do with my mom. I'm so happy Leo finally won!!! I just received my goodies from dresslink this week as well. You got some great pieces. I love the cutoffs of the blouses, it gives off enough without being too reveaing. happy leap day!



    1. Thank you Geri! Sounds like such a fun tradition. And you got to see everything happen right then and there instead of having to watch clips of them haha which is what I do
      I love the cut outs too, they have started to become a favorite trend of mine
      I hope your week is going well!

  13. Super cool, lady- thanks for sharing!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. Wow, Andrea I love all of your outfits. I love the longsleeve sexy knit top that is off your shoulder! That is my favorite. I need one in my life :) great post and review like always. Hope you have a wonderful week <333

    Lots of love,
    Kayla xo // Kayla's Vibration

    1. Thank you Kayla! I'm glad to hear you like it. You should definitely get one too! It's really comfortable, and I really like the look of it too
      I hope you are having a fantastic week as well!

  15. Great outfits, Andrea! I really loved that last dress but I was surprised to see how short it was too - but you made it work, girl! Also, you know how to work them edgey, crop tops. Hope you're having an awesome week :)

    Jasmine | The Sixth Disney Princess

    1. Thank you Jasmine! I know, I was pretty surprised too. I didn't realize it would be that short. But thank you, I'm glad it works out and that it wasn't a waste. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  16. I am an avid lover of stripes so naturally that last dress is my fave out of your haul!


  17. Loving all the looks, especially that grey dress!

  18. Hi there. I haven't tried Dress link yet, but these outfits offer some pretty fab inspiration. Have a great day!


    1. Dresslink has some pretty awesome products. Thank you Kasonndra, I'm glad I was able to provide some inspiration :) I hope you are having a great day

  19. What gorgeous pieces! I especially like the two cold shoulder tops and you've styled all these outfits beautifully :) x

    Viva Epernay

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy to hear that you like them

  20. lovely blog :) Happy Friday! :)
    I am new follower :)


    1. Thank you! I will check out your blog too :)

  21. All of these outfits are really cute, but I have to admit the first one with the gray dress is my favorite! I really like shoulder cut outs too, so you're not alone haha. Also, packages? Way fun to get. And unbox. But anyways, I also wanted to say that I love your side braid; it's super cute! :)

    Sam | http://mybeautycloud.com

    1. That gray dress is also my favorite of the three too! And yes, receiving packages always makes the day better. It's so exciting unboxing them to see what I got.
      Thank you Sam! I hope your week is going fabulously :)

  22. All of these outfits are really nice, I love how you've styled everything! Great post xx


    Chontelle x

    1. Thank you Chontelle! I'm glad you like them :)

  23. Your first dress looks amazing! Such a lovely outfits <3


  24. Definitely I agree with you dear, 29 th of February should be a festive day! ^-^
    I really like your choices and the way you put all toghether, great outfit darling!
    The white striped dress is my fav! I think it's perfect for spring!
    Have a wonderful week end honey!

    1. Yes, we only get the 29th every four years so it should be celebrated! Haha
      Thank you Roberta! I hope you have a wonderful week too :))

  25. Loving all the shoulder detail! I'm also like you I rather know about the highlights.

    1. It's definitely easier that way, and we still get to know the important stuff rather than sitting through the entire show! :P Glad you like it Kyanna! I hope your week is going well

  26. Stripes never goes wrong & you're rocking it girl!
    Love all those cut details of your dress <3
    ps. I nominated you as one of the bloggers to my Liebster Award! If you want to continue this amazing relay, please check out my latest post xx

    Kaylee | JK's Dawn

    1. Thank you! Good to know stripes are working for me haha I like them but I've only recently gotten into wearing stripes. Also, thank you for nominating me! :)

  27. They fit you really well! I just shared my Dresslink items on my blog too! Yey!


    1. Thank you Jeanne! I checked out your post too and I love what you got :)

  28. The grey dress featuring the shoulder cut-out design is so interesting, you wear it well! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice

  29. Great post,you look great! I'm so glad that you had a collaboration with Dresslink,I had it too :)
    3rd outfit is my personal favourite but I like them all! I went to links because I know that it means a lot to you..Can you click on links in my last post,I would be very thankful if you do that. <3
    New post-->beautyshapes3.blogspot.hr

    1. Thank you! I was pretty surprised at how short it was, but I'm glad it ended up working out :) I love your post too. And I clicked on your links as well :)

  30. I haven't tried dresslink yet but I would surely like to...I love your 1st dress with cut sleevs..looks stunning :)


    1. Thank you! :) and yes, they have a lot of really great products!

  31. Nice post! I totally agree with you, having an extra day in month is not cool at all. However, I'm glad you had collaboration with Dresslink, that's great! You got beaufiful things! That crop top is my favorite :)
    Make sure to check out my new post: beautybyshoppingholicgirl.blogspot.hr

    1. I know, I wish it was a holiday because it only comes every four years! Thank you, I'm glad you like them!

  32. Oh yay, I remember seeing these pieces in your Dresslink wishlist, and I'm so glad you actually ended up receiving some of them, they are stunning! :) <3 I think that the gray dress with shoulder cut-offs is my favourite - it looks absolutely fab on you, it really shows off your lovely figure and it's great for casual wear! :) <3 x x And as for the Oscars, (go Leo!!!!), I was going to stay up and watch it LIVE but I had work the following morning so I ended up watching a catch up show the day after. :) <3 Hope you're well, hun! Kisses. x x x


    1. Thank you Kay! The first dress is my favorite of them all. It's definitely a lot simpler than most dresses I own, but I guess that's the beauty of it. Something new to add to my wardrobe. I'm glad you like it :)
      Also, I know!! I'm so happy for Leo. Those freshmen yr/senior yr memes of Leo and Kate are hilarious too!
      I hope your week is going wonderfully :)

  33. Sorry to hear that the last dress was too short, but you can always wear it as a tunic with leggins, because it looks great :)


    1. Yeah, I was hoping it would work because I liked how it looked as a dress in the photos online. But I like what you said, I will definitely be wearing it as a tunic. Thank you! :)


  34. Dear Andrea, hope you are doing well :)
    I absolutely love the grey dress on you! It lights you up so nicely and complements
    you very well.
    PS: I hope you will rock your exams!


    1. Thank you Nathaliya! I just finished up all my finals and I feel like a huge weight is lifted from my shoulders! This past quarter has been so busy!
      I hope you are having a fantastic week :)

  35. Thank you :) I'm happy to hear that!

  36. Great post, Maybe you have time to see my New post shirt for men stylish


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